Thursday, September 1, 2011

Enough is Enough!

Well, here I am after telling myself I would start a blog and I haven't posted anything since I have started and I've had enough!  I want to do this so family and friends can come here in years to come and see what we did, funny things that Drake has said, and all the fun we had.  So, here's to starting! 

Drake started Pre-K last week (Aug. 22) at Skyline Academy.  It is a private school owned by the same people that own the daycare he went to for over two years.  The school is very educational!  The greatest thing for me thus far is that he has to wear a uniform.  This saves at least 30 minutes of our time arguing deciding what he's going to wear each day.  The choices are pretty good.  There are 8 polo color choices.  Being the OCD mom that I am, I chose 5 so we have the exact amount for the days of the week.  (it's easy for me to remember which color he has already worn for the week)  I do enjoy ironing them on Sunday's and having them ready for the week.

In Drake's room, they have a behavior incentive that consists of a traffic light.  Each child starts on green and if they get 2 warnings, they move to yellow.  After yellow, they get 2 more warning then they go to red.  If they get on red, recess is taken away and they get a note sent home.  Last night on the way home I heard his sweet little voice from the back seat singing, "Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light.  Shining so bright in my eye.  Red means stop, green means go, yellow means take it slow."  I turned around and told him that I loved his song.  His reply, "Thanks, mom!  You know, Ms. B says I have to take it slow on yellow because I have ants in my pants??"  I'm SHOCKED!  hahaha!