Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Drake's 5th Birthday WEEK!

This year, Drake's birthday consisted of a whole week of celebrations.  We started on Saturday, March 17th with his annual Birthday Carnival.  We are so blessed with wonderful family, friends, and friends who have become like family from school and church.  So many of these great friends came to the carnival and helped Drake have a wonderful day!!!  Not to mention help mom put on the carnival!!!

On Sunday, my dad's family came over to our house to celebrate.  Drake is always thinking of others and what others like so when I asked him what kind of party he wanted to have with Papa's family, he decided he wanted a "Black and Yellow" party because Uncle Jeff like the Steeler's.  So, a Black and Yellow party it was!!!

Monday was Drake's actual birthday so he took cupcakes to celebrate at school.  That morning, before he woke up, that silly Cody the Clown broke into our house and left balloons all over the bedroom.

That night, all of daddy's family came over to our house for dinner and a party.  Of course, we couldn't make it through the celebrations without a Phineas and Ferb party!

Honey came to visit later that week so we had a party with her family on Friday at Granny's house.  Of course, thinking of others, Drake wanted that party to be Mickey Mouse themed because the "Babies" (Clara and Ella) like Mickey and Minnie. 

I cannot believe my baby is already FIVE!!!!  I'm so glad we got to spend the week with friends and family!  It was a week I will never forget!  I love you Little Man!

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-15