Sunday, February 10, 2013

Life isn't fair

It all started in the middle of December.  I was at work when I got a call from my mother in law that her mother was being taken to the Emergency Room because she was dizzy and had a headache.  I was staying optimistic hoping it was nothing major.  That night she was released from the hospital being diagnosed with Vertigo.  The Doctor told her if the meds they gave her didn't work that she needed to see a neurologist.  Long story short, she went to a neurologist where she found out she had a tumor on her brain stem.  After more tests she found out the cancer was pretty much everywhere.  This was devastating news for everyone.  No, she's not my grandmother by blood, but she is OUR grandmother.  I've loved this woman like my own grandmother since the day I met her 12 years ago.  She is the most selfless, thoughtful woman there is!  I just don't understand how people can invent cars that can navigate us anywhere, and phones that can do anything we want, but there isn't a cure for cancer?!?  How does this happen?  Cancer is evil!  Cancer sucks!  I HATE CANCER!!!  My heart is broken but at the same time I know that the big man upstairs has a plan for everyone.  We can't plan our lives, because HE does.  I know everything happens for a reason but it's hard to justify it sometimes.


We had a great October.  We had friends over for a bonfire.  Kyton and Drake loved it!

 Every October, my grandpa's brother and all of his kids and grand kids go camping for a week.  The ones that don't own campers, rent campers or stay with others.  They've always invited my grandma to go but she is always working.  This year, we got to meet my grandma there for one of the fun days.  It was so much fun!    It's always fun with the Faulkners.  Since we bought a camper late in October, we look forward to joining their camping week next year.  Drake had so much fun with all of his cousins.

 Later in the month, we went to Taylor's Pumpkin Patch in Vienna.  It is always such a pretty time of year and it was a beautiful day at the pumpkin patch.

 We went for a hayride and the nice man let Drake pick his own pumpkin to cut from the vine.

 After picking pumpkins, we went to Granny's house to carve them.  So much fun!
 Ella Grace has an obsession with Granny's little golfer.  I wish I would have video taped this because she was having a serious conversation with him!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Toes in the Water.......................

In September we met Grant, Sandy, and Renley in Destin for a little beach vacay.  It was absolutely wonderful!  It was sunny the entire time we were there.  We couldn't have asked for better weather!  It was a long drive for both of us.  I did everything I could to keep Drake entertained.  He did so well on the drive. He fell asleep after three hours on the road and slept for the rest of the seven hours.  I hope this is the only time you will ever see me with a mustache!
We got to Destin around 6:00 a.m.  Wes and Drake had never been to the beach before so the beach we went straight for the beach.  There had been a hurricane a few days before we got there so the waves were still HUGE.  We stayed at an awesome condo that was right on the beach.  It was nice to have the pool and the beach right out our back door.

We enjoyed a lot of relaxing on the beach and at the pool, playing mini gold, riding go carts, shopping while the men golfed, going on a Pirate Cruise, and awesome restaurants.

 I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a picture with this big shark at Bass Pro.  Drake refused to get any closer than that.
 Before we went I searched the internet for cool things to do in Destin and the Pirate cruise looked pretty cool.  I couldn't decide if it would be a good choice or not.  I bit the bullet and reserved seats for us and I am so glad I did.  This cruise was AWESOME!  I was a little worried that Drake wouldn't participate since he didn't know anyone but he walked right over with the rest of the kids and had so much fun!  I'm sure he knew I would be taking pictures so I wouldn't be too far away.

 All the kids on the cruise were so nice.  This little guy helped Drake put his pirate tattoo on.

 Although Wes appears to be sleeping, he says he had fun.

 After the cruise we met Grant, Sandy and Renley at the Back Porch for dinner.  It was such a cool restaurant and the food was delicious.

 Drake took this picture of us.  We may or may not have been sweating quite a bit.  It was pretty warm.
 After dinner we went for a walk on the beach.

The next day we went to Fud Pucker's for dinner.  They have lots of little alligators you can feed and watch. It was really neat.  We even got our picture taken with one.  As you can tell, the boys were too scared to hold it so I did it.

On our last night we went to the beach before dinner at the Crab Trap.  We took some family pictures.  I didn't care for any of ours, but Grant and Sandy's were good.  

Drake discovered that he loved crab cakes.  He ate them for dinner every night.

After dinner we went back to the beach to look for crabs. Isn't this little guy cute?

We caught a couple little ones, then we spotted this huge one.  He was so big he jumped right out of our bucket.
My little man and me.

Our vacation was perfect!  We have so much fun with Grant, Sandy, and Renley.  Can't wait to vacation with them again!