Sunday, February 10, 2013


We had a great October.  We had friends over for a bonfire.  Kyton and Drake loved it!

 Every October, my grandpa's brother and all of his kids and grand kids go camping for a week.  The ones that don't own campers, rent campers or stay with others.  They've always invited my grandma to go but she is always working.  This year, we got to meet my grandma there for one of the fun days.  It was so much fun!    It's always fun with the Faulkners.  Since we bought a camper late in October, we look forward to joining their camping week next year.  Drake had so much fun with all of his cousins.

 Later in the month, we went to Taylor's Pumpkin Patch in Vienna.  It is always such a pretty time of year and it was a beautiful day at the pumpkin patch.

 We went for a hayride and the nice man let Drake pick his own pumpkin to cut from the vine.

 After picking pumpkins, we went to Granny's house to carve them.  So much fun!
 Ella Grace has an obsession with Granny's little golfer.  I wish I would have video taped this because she was having a serious conversation with him!

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