Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Big Heart!

Last night, just after Drake and I laid down he told me he wanted to text daddy.  After entering Wes' number, I handed Drake the phone.  After about five minutes of him typing a very sincere message that looked something like this

fhlaksjdhf U,

he hit send.  Only a couple minutes later we got a reply, "Luv u, Goodnight."  I told Drake that was all for the night, it was time to go to sleep.  He begged and begged to send just one message back.  I figured he had something important to say so I gave in.  He replied, "luv u.....i am,"  then he asked me how to spell "with".  As I spelled it he slowly typed, "with u."  He asked me if it was spelled right and I told him yes but I told him he was silly because he wasn't with daddy because daddy wasn't home.  "I'm not really with him but I'm with him in my heart and in his heart", he replied.  OH! MY! GOODNESS!  That was a little more than this momma could handle.  Tears started flowing from my eyes.  I know I under estimate his knowledge and understanding of everything.  I can't get used to the fact that he isn't a baby anymore, and he understands soooo much.  I'm not sure how he got to be so loving, but this child has a heart that consumes about 90% of his body!  (The other 10% is Buffington blood)  ;)  I pray that this big heart stays with him forever!  

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Week of LOVE!

We had a wonderful week spent with family and friends!  Monday night, we had a great visit with Mia, Danny and Clara.  Danny needed to come over to work on our furnace which hadn't been working for about 4 weeks.  Drake loved playing with Clara!

Tuesday was Valentine's Day.  Drake had been begging for the movie, "Treasure Buddies" so I thought this would be the perfect time to get it for him.  Since we had a new movie to watch I decided we could stay home for a great little Valentine date.  I picked up a heart shaped pizza on my way home from work.  Talk about EASY dinner!!!  Drake enjoyed opening Valentine packages from "Honey" and other grandparents and family members.

Tuesday was not only Valentine's Day, but it was a very special day for one of my dear friends, Connie.  Connie is the most lovable, caring, courageous women I know!  She has a smile that is contageous and the biggest heart EVER!  Connie and her husband had tried for 8 years to have a baby.  Connie left it in God's hands and he showed everyone that he, indeed is bigger than ANY doctor!  Connie and Kevin welcomed perfect Hadley into the world on Valentine's Day!  What a little miracle she is!  Connie's smile was contageous before, but I have a feeling that her beautiful smile is NEVER going to leave her face!  I went to meet Hadley and I did not want to let her go!
Friday night we went to dinner with some friends.  It was a great night out with friends and the kids.  Drake and Landon had a blast with each other!  They can definitely be a dangerous pair!  It seems like just yesterday that Drake was the only kid in this clan and now Landon is almost 2, Karsyn is 8 weeks (with plenty of boys to watch out for her) and Landon has a baby brother on the way!

Saturday, we took Drake to check out the new jail that was built in Marion.  They had a fundraiser and open house with tours of the jail.  I always sometimes threaten Drake when he is misbehaving by telling him I am going to drop him off at jail.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to show him what it is really like.  Needless to say, he was a nervous wreck the whole time thinking we were going to leave him there.  I think it's safe to say that he will be on good behavior for a while! 


"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I married my pain in the rear best friend!  He drives me crazy and I drive him crazy!  Perfect match?  ABSOLUTELY!  He doesn't put the dishes where they belong, pick up after himself, or listen to what I say.  I nag at him about everything (hince why he doesn't listen), cook meals that he hates, and leave make-up all over the bathroom counter.  These are things that drive us crazy about each other but it's all about compromise, right???  Sure, we have wanted to give up a time or two, but at the end of the day I can't imagine my life without him.

I'll never forget how it all started.  I was a freshman and he was a sophomore.  It was state testing time at school so our class schedule wasn't normal.  All freshmen and sophomores had lunch at the same time.  I met my bff, Jessica for lunch.  Of course, it took a while for us to figure out who we were going to sit with to be look cool.  She had  the idea that we could hang out with her cousin Doug who happened to be Wes' bff.  Coincidence?  I think not!  Jess mentioned that she thought Wes was cute.  Well, being the teenage, jerk of a best friend that I was, I thought if she was going to go after him then I was too!  Don't worry, this wasn't the first time we had fallen for the same guy.  Let's be honest, she got them every time!  However, everything happens for a reason and the rest is history.  So, I suppose I owe it all to her!  Thanks, Jess!  Don't get me wrong, although it started as a bit of a competition, I fell in love with this guy pretty quick!  He is a great husband and a wonderful father!

We didn't get any pictures the day we got married (unusual for me, I know).  We got married in a beautiful court house in Fort Smith, Arkansas.  I am hoping we can make it back there this summer when we go to Oklahoma.  It would be a great photo-opp!  I do have this picture that was taken a few months before we got married.  It's funny how much we have changed!

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Months Later??? REALLY? I am, after 5 months ago saying that I was going to update regularly.  I really mean it this time!  I am doing this for the sole purpose of going back to see memories that aren't in my memory bank.  I want to document things that we have done as a family, funny things Drake says, and well, basically everything about our lives.  Of course, as usual, we are busy with, work and school and work and school.  It seems like days and weeks fly by and we are still doing the same thing every day.  I know time is flying and Drake will be grown before we know it, so storing these memories is VERY important!  Here is to a new start!

Speaking of new starts, I have starting going to a local medical weight loss clinic.  I am ready for a lifestyle change.  I am hoping I can stick to it and see major results!!!  I would love to lose 50 pounds, but lets be realistic!  I'd settle for 40!  I am doing it for my health, my mind, and let's face it, my husband and son.  I know they say the more, the merrier, but I don't think they were talking about weight. hahaha...................