Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Months Later??? REALLY? I am, after 5 months ago saying that I was going to update regularly.  I really mean it this time!  I am doing this for the sole purpose of going back to see memories that aren't in my memory bank.  I want to document things that we have done as a family, funny things Drake says, and well, basically everything about our lives.  Of course, as usual, we are busy with, work and school and work and school.  It seems like days and weeks fly by and we are still doing the same thing every day.  I know time is flying and Drake will be grown before we know it, so storing these memories is VERY important!  Here is to a new start!

Speaking of new starts, I have starting going to a local medical weight loss clinic.  I am ready for a lifestyle change.  I am hoping I can stick to it and see major results!!!  I would love to lose 50 pounds, but lets be realistic!  I'd settle for 40!  I am doing it for my health, my mind, and let's face it, my husband and son.  I know they say the more, the merrier, but I don't think they were talking about weight. hahaha...................

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