Thursday, February 9, 2012


I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I married my pain in the rear best friend!  He drives me crazy and I drive him crazy!  Perfect match?  ABSOLUTELY!  He doesn't put the dishes where they belong, pick up after himself, or listen to what I say.  I nag at him about everything (hince why he doesn't listen), cook meals that he hates, and leave make-up all over the bathroom counter.  These are things that drive us crazy about each other but it's all about compromise, right???  Sure, we have wanted to give up a time or two, but at the end of the day I can't imagine my life without him.

I'll never forget how it all started.  I was a freshman and he was a sophomore.  It was state testing time at school so our class schedule wasn't normal.  All freshmen and sophomores had lunch at the same time.  I met my bff, Jessica for lunch.  Of course, it took a while for us to figure out who we were going to sit with to be look cool.  She had  the idea that we could hang out with her cousin Doug who happened to be Wes' bff.  Coincidence?  I think not!  Jess mentioned that she thought Wes was cute.  Well, being the teenage, jerk of a best friend that I was, I thought if she was going to go after him then I was too!  Don't worry, this wasn't the first time we had fallen for the same guy.  Let's be honest, she got them every time!  However, everything happens for a reason and the rest is history.  So, I suppose I owe it all to her!  Thanks, Jess!  Don't get me wrong, although it started as a bit of a competition, I fell in love with this guy pretty quick!  He is a great husband and a wonderful father!

We didn't get any pictures the day we got married (unusual for me, I know).  We got married in a beautiful court house in Fort Smith, Arkansas.  I am hoping we can make it back there this summer when we go to Oklahoma.  It would be a great photo-opp!  I do have this picture that was taken a few months before we got married.  It's funny how much we have changed!

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

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