Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Big Heart!

Last night, just after Drake and I laid down he told me he wanted to text daddy.  After entering Wes' number, I handed Drake the phone.  After about five minutes of him typing a very sincere message that looked something like this

fhlaksjdhf U,

he hit send.  Only a couple minutes later we got a reply, "Luv u, Goodnight."  I told Drake that was all for the night, it was time to go to sleep.  He begged and begged to send just one message back.  I figured he had something important to say so I gave in.  He replied, "luv u.....i am,"  then he asked me how to spell "with".  As I spelled it he slowly typed, "with u."  He asked me if it was spelled right and I told him yes but I told him he was silly because he wasn't with daddy because daddy wasn't home.  "I'm not really with him but I'm with him in my heart and in his heart", he replied.  OH! MY! GOODNESS!  That was a little more than this momma could handle.  Tears started flowing from my eyes.  I know I under estimate his knowledge and understanding of everything.  I can't get used to the fact that he isn't a baby anymore, and he understands soooo much.  I'm not sure how he got to be so loving, but this child has a heart that consumes about 90% of his body!  (The other 10% is Buffington blood)  ;)  I pray that this big heart stays with him forever!  

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 

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