Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Annual Spring Shopping!

We have been sooooo crazy busy the last couple of weeks!  I haven't even blogged about Drake's 5th birthday yet!  Don't worry, I am not going to skip it!  His birthday week was a blast and it consists of about 400 pictures so it's going to take some time to give it the attention it needs.  It will be coming shortly.  This past weekend, I went to St. Louis with Jenna, Whitney, Tyra, and Laura for our annual spring shopping weekend.  We started this last year and we had such a great time that we decided we would do it every spring and fall!  Last year, we went early on a Saturday morning and came home late that night.  This time, Laura was so kind to offer for us to stay with her for the night.  Poor Mike got kicked out, but we had a blast!  We always start in Fairview Heights, then head to West County.  This time, we went to Plaza Frontenac Mall after West County.  It was a weekend of shopping, eating, laughing, and more eating!  Luckily, my mom was home so she and my grandma kept Drake.  There was no doubt in my mind that he was in good hands and that he was going to have fun!  Friday night when I was leaving him at granny's, he got upset and wanted to go with me.  I didn't mind because he could stay home with Wes but at the same time, we only see my mom a couple times a year so I thought he should visit with her as much as possible.  When mom lived here, she kept Drake for us quite a bit.  Whether I was running to Wal-Mart, or we were going out of town, we would just drop Drake off with her.  Since she has moved to Florida, he rarely stays over night without us so it's a MAJOR decision for him.  After about three trips in and out of the car trying to decide what he wanted to do, he ended up staying at granny's.  I did miss him oodles, especially when he called me to check in and reminded me how much he missed me.  One time that he called, at the end of the conversation I said, "I love you, goodbye", and he said, "let's not say goodbye since I'm going to talk to you again" so our conversation ended with, "Peace out".  haha........Although I missed Drake sooooo much, our girls weekend was a great break from our everyday madness.  After our Plaza Frontenac stop, we went on to dinner at Cunetto's on the Hill.  We had to wait over an hour but it was well worth it!  On Sunday, we ate lunch, stopped at St. Clair Square and had to make one last stop at Cold Stone Creamery.  I love these girls so much!  We are perfect for each other!  We are all so different in many ways, but we mesh so well!  We've been friends since kindergarten and our friendships grow stronger every day!  Love you ladies!!!  XOXO
Outside Plaza Frontenac. 

Waiting for dinner at Cunetto's. 

All of our goods!

After lunch, we realized Whitney didn't do a very good parking job.  (I won't mention the other near death experiences we had.  haha......you're a great driver, Whit!)

Cold Stone!  I look back in disbelief that I put that hat on!  I'm a major hater of germs, not to mention head lice!  Yuck!

Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech will have the king as a friend.Proverbs 22:11

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