Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fair Fun!

This was the second year we have gone to DuQuoin to the fair with Brenna.  She and Drake have so much fun together.  Sometimes they act like they adore each other and other times they act like an old married couple.  It was a beautiful day for the fair.  The kids had so much fun on the rides.

 Everything was just fine until we found the big cage that was full of parakeets.  For the low price of $2.00, you can go into the huge cage and feed the birds.  Sounds fun, right?  That's what Drake and Brenna thought.
 Checking out the cute little birds.
 Drake even thought it was funny when a bird landed on his head.

 This was about when the fun ended.  This was when the lovely worker handed Drake the stick with bird food on the end.  It was shortly after this picture that there were ELEVEN of these cute little birds on Drake's arm fighting over the food on the end of the stick.  Needless to say, I thought he was going to be passed out any second due to screaming and crying so hard he couldn't breathe.  I didn't get a good picture because he had turned his body.  Poor little guy isn't a big fan of birds any more.
Check out Wes and Natasha in the background trying to calm him down.  I'm thinking the boy next to Drake wasn't digging the birds on his arm either.
 All was well once we found the big slide.

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