Monday, January 21, 2013

My baby goes to Kindergarten

Okay, seriously, where on earth does the time go????  It goes faster every day!  I cannot believe my baby is in kindergarten!  Before school started, I took a day off work to spend time with him.  Well, we had to get him a couple shots too.  He took it like a champ.  After shots, we went to Cool Spoons to eat some frozen yogurt.  He loves it there!
 A couple weeks before school started, we went shopping for school supplies.  I was so glad Drake didn't go for a character back pack.  I DON'T do characters and I wasn't really feeling like getting into it in the middle of Target.  I've never bought him character clothes or anything of the such.  I'm just not a fan.  Now, don't get me wrong, I let him rock whatever Phineas and Ferb, Batman, or Cars pajamas he wants, but we don't go in public in that junk.  How stinkin cute is he in this picture?
 Before school started, we met Misty, Ethan and Hevyn at Walker's Bluff to watch The Lorax.  It was a beautiful night and the kids had a blast.

 We also went to St. Louis for a Cardinals game with Misty and the kids the week before school started.  It was a night game but it didn't matter, it was still holding steady at a blazing 369 degrees.  I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that again any time soon.

 ..................and here is my big boy on his first day of KINDERGARTEN!  I thought I would cry all morning, but I kept it together pretty well.  I was just nervous about him being there in a new big school without me, not knowing many people.  I walked him into school that morning and it was like a sense of security came over me as we walked down the hall, passing teachers that I knew and that he knew, passing little neighbor kids that he plays with, and passing friends from church.  This is when I knew he was going to be just fine.  He absolutely LOVES kindergarten!

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