Tuesday, January 15, 2013

May 2012

Well, here I am still re-capping last year and it's already a new year.  Here we go with May.....

Ozzie Smith came to the Lake of Egypt to play golf with Uncle Mark.  Uncle Mark was doing a fundraiser for Hospice of Southern Illinois and he played 100 holes in one day.  Ozzie joined him for 18 holes.  We enjoyed meeting Ozzie after they played.  Drake thinks it's super cool that we now have some baseballs with Ozzie's signature.

 Clara's second birthday was May 3.  What a little blessing she is!  I'll never forget getting the call saying that she was being born 12 weeks early.  She was a whopping 1 pound, 12 ounces.  She's still a petite little thing!      This year, Mother's Day fell on her birthday so we celebrated her birthday and Mother's Day at the park.  It was a beautiful day!

 After Clara's party we went to the Buffington's to celebrate Mother's Day.  The boys always love to play basketball.  Wes loves playing basketball and I must say, he's still got it!

 May got super warm toward the middle of the month so we went out for our first day on the lake with our friends.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day!  We met the Newbolds, Robertsons, and Tommy and Amy.  Tommy caught this super cute little turtle for Drake.

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