Saturday, January 19, 2013

...........More July

One of Drake's favorite times of year is Vacation Bible School.  I am so glad that we are part of such a wonderful church with such great kid programs.  I absolutely LOVE our church family!  I didn't get any pictures during the week, but this is the program at the end of the week.  After the program, we always have a meal then go to our city pool for a party.  The kids love it!

 My dad turned 60 this year.  We went to Julia's house to celebrate.  It was a great day!  I love my dad sooooo much!!!  Happy Birthday, old man!

 That night, Wes and I met some friends at Walker's Bluff for a Montgomery Gentry concert.  We had seen Montgomery Gentry in concert about 7 years ago and they are still just as good!  They are awesome in concert!  It was a fun night!

 What's the best part of summer?  SWIMMING!  We spent lots of time at the pool and at the lake this year, but we had an especially fun time on this day when we spent the day at the pool with friends.  Drake and Kyton had so much fun swimming together.  Tyra has been one of my best friends since kindergarten and I LOVE that Drake and Kyton are close in age.  It is so fun watching them grow together.  They are such good buds!  

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